Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

workshopRepresenting Monitoring and Verification Team CSI Pilot Program, on December 2-4, 2015, Program Manager of M&V team invited by researcher of Smart Villages Initiative-Centre of Development Studies, Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) University of Cambridge to attend a regional workshop on cook-stoves in Yangon, Myanmar. This event was also supported by GERES Myanmar office. The workshop was envisaged as a one day event followed by a field trip the next day and was dedicated entirely for various aspects related to the dissemination of improved cook-stoves. The workshop aims to bring together a number of key stakeholders involved in the improved cook-stove sector including donors, public sector representatives, and members of academia, NGOs, producers and users/consumers. In this workshop opening speech presented by U Khin Maung Yee, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry-Myanmar; key note address given by U Kyaw Kyaw Lwin, Deputy Director General, Forest Department, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry-Myanmar; and Opening remark presented by Mr. George Dura, Deputy Head, Cooperation, EUD in Myanmar. Meanwhile, first session presented  a concept of Smart Village by Dr John Holmes, co-leader SMI and forwarded by Georgi Dzhartov, country representative GERES in Myanmar that presented Sustainable Dissemination of Improved Cook-stoves in Myanmar. After tea break, representatives from Laos, Cambodia, Philippine, and Myanmar, presented “Standardisation of Improved Cook-stoves” based upon their experiences. After lunch, discussion topic was “Transition to cleaner cooking fuels and technologies-Impact on rural communities” that presented by representatives from YDD Indonesia, FFI Myanmar, ENERGIA, and Stove+. The workshop session ended by groups discussion to exploring some fundamental problems faced on disseminating  cook-stoves program and  finally the first day closed by Dr John Holmes by summary and conclusion. The second day of workshop filled with field visit to stove’s producer and demonstration the use of improved cook-stoves.

By Cholis