Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

Penddk Kesadaran1

This training is intended to provide insight to the group of consumers to understand the importance of organic food ingredients that are safe and healthy. In addition, it also provides an insight into the importance of planting their own food items needed every day, such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, etc. (although with limited land). The training was held for 2 days on September 28-29, 2015 and followed by 30 women of Consumer Group Members from two sub-district in Yogyakarta city. On the first day was provided the introduction of organic farming, and why we need to consume organic food and also explored local potentials that exist in the two groups of consumers for the cultivation of organic local food that can be done. Also delivered about food safety both fresh and processed food, polluted by the contamination potential for physical, chemist, microbiologically. On the second day, begun with sharing organic cultivation methods and the introduction of the tubers that can be planted. Although the land in the city is limited, it can make use of other media such as cooking oil used plastic packaging, cans, buckets of scrap, etc. From the discussions it was agreed that a group of farmers will supply a variety of starch tubers to consumer groups in urban areas. Besides, the consumer group will conduct training on food processing of flour tubers or other organic local food. From the evaluation session, the participants said that the training was very useful for them.

By Cholis